1. Today, you need to perfect your script for your video and record your mp3 on your cell phone using the license from GCAST.com Remember, you must hit the # symbol after you are finished talking for the mp3 to record. The mp3 must follow the events in the video, so I suggest you bring up the you tube page, run through your script a time or two, and then record. This may be done individually, or in your groups of 2.
2. Write five quiz questions that combine your vocabulary words with a specific sport. Example question: You are swimming in the pool, and the bubbles rise when you do a cannonball. This is an example of a) friction b) Newton's 3rd law c) mass d) all of the above. Make sure you circle the answer that you think is correct. THIS MUST BE DONE INDIVIDUALLY.
At the end of the class period, turn in your definition sheet, your script, and your questions.