Thursday, December 11, 2008

What is a DECENT living space?

In some prisons in the US, two inmantes occupy a 8 x 10 foot cell.  A college dorm room may be 12 x 14 for two people.  On the other hand, some people live in mansions of 10000 to 20000 square feet!

How much spece do people need in their shelters to have a decent, humane, life?  What do people need to be able to DO in their shelters?

Monday, December 1, 2008

Setting the Mood

You will need to practice your musical endeavor.  When you are ready, you will record your musical endeavor in the hallway using

Then, you need to include your music sometime in a shadow puppet show, which will be recorded using a camera.  Think about how you are going to set the mood (lights, penumbra, umbra, colored shadows, etc.) in your endeavor....a couple of videos are included below.