Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Waves on a Spring

Yesterday, you wrote several terms on the whiteboards (they are in the front of the room.) Today, write each of those terms in your blue book.

Use the website found at http://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/wave-on-a-string and make three observations about how these terms change as you manipulate the slide. If the lab will not allow you to do something for the terms, just write n/a in your book.

For example:

standing waves: As I change the frequency, ________________________ As I change the damping (how fast the wave dies out, ___________________

Friday, November 12, 2010

Energy and Springs

Play with the simulation found at http://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/mass-spring-lab and gather data to explain to me how PE changes to KE, or do the worksheet found HERE.

Put the answers in your blue book.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Energy Everywhere

The word ENERGY has lots of contexts. That means there are many things we can talk about--like renewable energy, or energy in our home, or mechanical and chemical energy.

Take a look at the following, and write a summary paragraph about how energy is used in each one

Simple Machines (look at two different rooms, identify the 10 machines in each in your blue book, and then write a summary paragraph.

Crash Scene Complete as much as you can of Activities 1-4, and then write a summary paragraph. If you want to print a worksheet, you may.

Compound Machines Complete what you can but don't write anything but a summary in your book.

Today we focused on MECHANICAL ENERGY, divided into Potential and Kinetic energy. Write a definition for all three terms in you experienced after reading this

Friday, November 5, 2010


Tape your audio overlay with Vocaroo