Thursday, October 27, 2011

Newton's Second Law.

Newton's second law tells us about how mass and weight are related.

Click on Tab 4

Go through 'The Laws of Motion' and 'Forces in Action'

When you are done, Go to Tab 2 and click on the Gravity Rules Forum Discussion.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Online Course

Go to

Login with your gmail account.

Click on Keystone/AEA1, then West Delaware, then Mrs. Marcia Powell.

You will get into a screen that has a class that is

Science - Forces and Motion_AEA 1_WDELA_PS_Forces_Powel

This course requires an enrollment key, which can be provided by Mrs. Powell.

##Understanding Newton's Second Law##

Tuesday, October 25, 2011



Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Tuesday, 10/18/11

Today is a workday.

If you don't know what to do with the pop, try some of these.

*measure the pH of the pop
*shake it for a few minutes, and measure the pH again
*compare the pH of cold and warm pop
*measure the pH of the pop, add water, and watch if the pH changes.
*filter the pop and measure pH
*filter the pop through soil and measure pH changes
* try to measure a volume difference in the pop

Monday, October 17, 2011

Models for Today

Carbon Sequestration Model

What happens to carbon dioxide trapped in the water or in the soil? You will need to design a lab to try to find out. Materials for the lab will include balloons (upon request), pH paper to test the acidity. You can try to measure the temperature of different pops and determine the mass of CO2, you can measure the acidity of different pop, you can do something else. But you must come up with a model that allows us to understand how carbon dioxide (found in the pop) can be contained in the soil or affect the acidity of your liquid.

**You will turn in a lab procedure and a video for this model**

Geochemical Cycles

We will use a poster for our model. Create a poster that details the carbon cycle, with arrows, and include the role of humans in the cycle. Now use a second color of ink and draw the nitrogen cycle on this system. Finally, use a third color of ink and highlight the water cycle.

Use this model to answer the following questions by drawing in a FOURTH item, a hog confinement farm. Then draw on the model as needed or explain these questions on the back.

A: How will the hog confinement farm affect the nitrogen cycle. Draw in arrows to connect your farm to the nitrogen, water, and carbon cycles

B: Show how the hog farm could use its materials to produce energy.

C: Hog confinement farms are required to have manure management plans. Why? How can this affect the water cycle? Think of phosphorous and local creeks and rivers.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Planning for Change

Whether we have climate change or not is a futile argument, because people basically argue statistics.

A more effective use of time is to think about planning for emergencies. This can take many forms. You will focus on FOUR of the following plans. Next week, we will build models of the plan of some type. You MUST do the planning for the two choices marked with a **

Planning Idea

Making personal life changes

Carbon Footprint Calculator

Carbon sequestration**


More Efficient Machines

Fuel Economy

Water Purification

Weather Monitoring

Noaa funding

Results of Budget





Thursday, October 13, 2011

Climate Change and Extreme Weather

Content Reading

Read page 2 of this story

Make a T-chart and read ONE of the three opposite pairs of data found here

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Monday, October 3, 2011