Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Please complete this Sport Form

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Thursday and Friday Science Interactions

 Measure your vertical jump using the method found on p. 75 of your book

 Complete pp. 68-70 in your purple book

 Hand in the following at the end of the hour:
 p 66 #1, #5, #6, #10
p. 72 #1, 2, 3, 4
p. 80 #2,3, 5, 6

Friday, October 19, 2012

Monday, October 15, 2012

10/14 Research Day

Decide on your topic and fill out the form here.  Write down your problem will need it later.

Research your idea.  Start with Wikipedia, NASA, the NASA youtube channel, or the textbooks in the room.  Keep track of your will need them later.  Remember, you are doing this research question ALONE.  You can still be social, but focus on the task.  I will ask to see your notes tomorrow ,so you must be writing, drawing, or entering information into a Google Form.

Remember, the point of the presentation on Wednesday and beyond is to:

  • inform your audience
  • entertain or make your audience think
  • understand the Universe a bit better

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Learning about Our Sun

Life Cycles

What happens as a star moves through its life cycle? This is a journey to find out. For each step, I need to know the following

  • the size of the star
  • what it is made of
  • the tools we can use to study it
  • the balance between pressure and gravity
  • if fusion is happening
  • if burps or eruptions are happening

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

10/9 Personal Notetaking

PIECES OF OUR SOLAR SYSTEM (Watch and then summarize this video in 3 or 4 sentences.) 

 FORMING STARS AND THE BIG BANG (watch the first 60 seconds to help us understand how our sun formed.   Explain what you think happened using a series of pictures)

Answer the following seven questions with your partner:  DO NOT RESEARCH THESE....I JUST WANT TO SEE YOUR CURRENT LEVEL OF KNOWLEDGE

  1. Which planets do you think are visible from Earth with the unaided human eye?
  2. What do you think planets look like when viewed from Earth with the unaided human eye? 
  3. Before the telescope was invented what were ancient astronomers able to learn about the planets? 
  4. When was the telescope first used to study astronomy? 
  5. What are some discoveries made with the telescope? 
  6. When did spacecraft first send back data and images from the planets? 
  7. What features do you think we can see in images of the planets? 

Now, you will be working like a scientist, working on your skill of observation.

Go to Observation Part 1 and complete for at least 10 of the pictures.

Questions?  Call me at 5636081900

Monday, October 8, 2012

10/8 Bits and Pieces of the Solar System

Today, we are trying to find out about the bits and pieces of the solar system.   You will be giving a report.


An astronomy book.

Find out the following

Distance from sun (AU)
Solid core?
Rocky or Gassy classification
2 pictures
Temperature range
How long it takes for a trip around the sun.

Friday, October 5, 2012

YOU are the solution

What is your carbon footprint?
What are five things you are willing to do?
What are five things you are NOT willing to do?
What are ten things you want to find out more about?

To answer these, you must find out something about your carbon foot print.   Here are some sites to consider:

Monday, October 1, 2012

10/1 to 10/4 Evidence for Climate Change

Monday:   Watch clips from Learn360 and Work on last Friday's assignment (see the blog post below)

Create Whiteboards

Tuesday:  Make five claims about climate change.  Then, look for evidence to support or refute the claims.

Carbon Dioxide Trends:

Methane Trends:

Ice Core Trends

Extreme weather events:

Extreme weather events 2:

Ocean Temperature Trends:

Water Depth Trends:

For Photos:

Draw the carbon cycle and the nitrogen cycle (no, DO NOT print them) on a piece of paper and put onto your paper.   Indicate where the following things come into play:

  • carbon storage (sequestration)
  • photosynthesis
  • respiration
  • nitrogen fixation
  • nitrification (nitrogen storage)
  • decay
  • fertilizer 
  • acid precipitation