SO far, we have looked at examples of extreme weather and the idea of a natural disaster. These are not the same thing.
To go further, we need to look at the concept of energy.
1. Go to and take notes. When you get done, three definitions should be present.
2. We will be starting with a lab (mirrored from
Each group or team will receive one set of materials.
1. One plastic pan to hold water.
2. 4 styrofoam cups to support pan and to contain the warm water.
3. Red and Blue food coloring.
4. Water.
5. Test tubes and droppers.
6. White paper.
7. Data recording sheets.
8. Small rocks or rubber stoppers for the seafloor features.
You will be completing five trials in this experiment, each time you begin a new trial you will
want to get a new pan of water and refresh your heat source if it has cooled.
You will be placing the drop of food coloring in different locations and carefully observing its pattern of movement. You will record your observations in detailed sketches done with colored pencils and including directional arrows.
Be careful not to bump the tables or you will disturb your currents.
Be frugal with the food coloring. Using only a few drops will allow you to see the currents most clearly.
Basic diagram of pan and cups.
Trial A. No heat source
Place the drop of food coloring in the still water with no heat source.
The drop of color should be placed at the center of the pan, right on the bottom.
Draw what happens to the food coloring as you look at it from the side and top views. Be sure to include arrows.
Write a brief description of what you see.
Trial B. Heat in Center /Drop in Center
Place the drop of food coloring in the still water with heat source under the center.
The drop of color should be placed at the center of the pan, right on the bottom.
Draw what happens to the food coloring as you look at it from the side and top views. Be sure to include arrows.
Write a brief description of what you see.
Trial C . Heat in Center /Drop close to side / bottom of pan
Place the drop of food coloring in the still water with heat source under the center.
The drop of color should be placed near the side of the pan, right on the bottom.
Draw what happens to the food coloring as you look at it from the side and top views. Be sure to include arrows.
Write a brief description of what you see.
Trial D . Heat in Center /Drop on top of pan
Place the drop of food coloring in the still water with heat source under the center.
The drop of color should be placed near the top of the pan.
Draw what happens to the food coloring as you look at it from the side and top views. Be sure to include arrows.
Write a brief description of what you see.
Trial E . Heat on one side / ice on other side
Place two drops of food coloring in the still water with heat source under the side of the pan and a baggie of ice near one edge.
One drop of color should be placed near the side of the pan, right on the bottom over the heat source. The second near the ice bag.
Draw what happens to the food coloring as you look at it from the side and top views. Be sure to include arrows.
Please write your definition for these in your notebook.
even heating
uneven heating
trade winds
Read through (Click on the different tabs)
Write three things you KNOW are true about energy and weather
Write three things you have QUESTIONS about regarding energy and weather.