Tuesday, October 7, 2008

When is mu (sticky friction) good?

When you are driving down a road, and you want to go 55 mph, what type of a mu do you want?  What about a mu on an icy day?  How does the mu in the middle of a gravel road differ from the mu on the edges?  How do you know?


Unknown said...

when you going 55 you want some mu. depends on the road conditions. on a icy day you want a lot so you don't slide all over the road. in the middle of the gravel road it is better because more people travel in the middle so it is more stickier.

Unknown said...

you want sticky mu.
you want high traction.
it differs because wen u get closer to the edge you want a better mu than in the middle

Unknown said...

3.on the edge of gravel is less mu then the mid. cuz the road bends

Unknown said...

i don't really know what mu is but im guessing its a good thing to have so on an icy road you would probably want allot of mu. and on a gravel road you would want more but not as much, the sides are easier?

Unknown said...

1)A high mu
2)A very high mu
3)The gravel in the middle of the road is more warn than the edges because it is the part of the road that is more traveled

Jon S said...

You want high traction (Mu) because it will grip the road surfuce. On a icy road you want low traction because you don't want to slide off the road. The mu on gravel road has more traction to the tires when the mu on edges has less.

Unknown said...

u increase the traction between the tires and the road. to move faster.
on a gravle road you dont have that much traction which is a deadly situation to be in?

Unknown said...

med high mu for going down a road at 55 mph

on an icy day, you want to still have a high mu

on the edges the gravel is less packed down so there is less mu, in the middle the gravel moves less s the mu is higher

i no thhis because the rocks dont move with the tires as much, so the tires are asble to but a backwards force on, and the equel oposite force rule makes it go forward.

Unknown said...

You would want a middle sticky mu so you dont go to fast
You want a very sticky mu so you dont slide on the ice
In the middle it wood have to be very sticky so you dont go off the edge and on the edge not to sticky so u can get on to the middle

Unknown said...

when going 55 mph u want good mu.
on an icy day u want very high mu in order to stay in a straight line instead of slipping all over the place. idk the rest of the blog.

Unknown said...

you want it to be a little bit higher when you are going fast because you want to have traction so you dont loose control.

on an icy day mu is very low

idk about the icy road part

Unknown said...

you want it a tad higher because you want to have traction so you dont get in a accident----
when on a icy nroad you want low because if it is high youll start fish tailin

idk the laqst one

Unknown said...

you want some mu but not to much mu about any time your driving so your car stays on the road but not enough for your car to get stuck to the road.

Jennie said...

icy--you want a high mu
in the middle of the gravel road there is less gravel so you dont need that high of a mu bu ton the outside of the gravel there is alot of loose gravel and you want alot of mu so the gravel doesnt carry u into the ditch...umm yea me and my dad were talkin bout it last night wen i was driving on the gravel road to our house....

kyleH said...

you want a high mu when driving 55
your mu is little on an icy day
the middle of a gravel road has a higher mu because the gravel is packed

Unknown said...

You want a high mu when going 55 mph
You want a low mu on an icy day
The gravel in the middle is more packed than the outside so it would have a higher mu.

Anonymous said...

You want a high mu because then you have more traction. On an icy road there is a low mu so your traction is minimal an you have to go below the speed limit to keep safe. On the gravel edges the gravel is not wore down so you get a low mu because your tire is on top of it so it is easy to spin side yo side.