Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Looking at Data

Today, I want you to look at the data found at the link at the bottom of this post. Clicking on a county or state will give you more data. What trends do you see in the counties of Iowa (remember, Red is Republican, Blue is Democrat)? What trends do you see in national map? Take a look at Delaware, Clayton, and Buchanan counties, which make up the West Delaware school district. What does this tell you about how people in our school feel about the election last night?

You can find the link here


kyleH said...

the east part of iowa voted for oboma
in the nation oboma got the big states
west delaware area voted for oboma

Unknown said...

Oboma got mostly all the states on the east coast and he got many states that haven't voted democrat in like 60 years.

Anonymous said...

Obama won most of the votes and mainly in the east part of it. he got some states that mostly vote repuplican

jordon jon dalton josh