Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Wednesday, 11/5/08

Today I am sick, so please follow these directions and COMPLETE THE BLOG POST BELOW.

TEST is postponed to Friday.

Use the computer or Google text to define the four following terms

(To use Google Text, text define _____(put the word in) and send to 466453)

You will be going a wave simulation. Work in groups of 3. The worksheet for today can be found here (print off an activity sheet for your group) and the actual activity can be found here I am looking for word observations, not a formula.


Unknown said...

mrs.powwell you are thwe best

Unknown said...

This is Cari, Summer, n Devin

Frequency:the number of cycles per unit of time.
Amplitude: the absolute value of the maximum displacement from a zero value during one period of an oscillation.
Period: the duration of one complete cycle of a wave or oscillation; the reciprocal of the frequency.
Wavelength: the distance, measured in the direction of propagation of a wave, between two successive points in the wave that are characterized by the same phase of oscillation.

Anonymous said...

FRequency is the # of cycles per unit of time

amplitude is the absolute value of maximum displacement

period is how long one cycle wave or oscillation

wavelength is the distance measured in the direction of the propagation of a wave, it is in between 2 succesive points in the wave

By jordon jon dalton and josh