Tuesday, January 20, 2009

What's your learning style?

Tell me what works and what DOESN'T work for you as a learner.  Be specific.


Unknown said...

The visual/verbal learning style

Anonymous said...

I'm a active learner and I don't like reading and writing too much so can you cut back on that it will be cool

Unknown said...

My learning style is balanced. I would rather read then listen to a speech because i can't focus when someone is talking for a long time. I would rather do hands on things then read. I like to have things explained to be and have directions to go by at the same time. FOr me to understand something i need it to be explained well or i wont get what we are doing. I like to work with a partner when my partner knows what they are doing and doesn't make me do all the work. I would rather do a lab then do a written test most of the time.

Anonymous said...

Hey! This is Sara Thede. I cant listen to lectures that long. I would work better if you wrote on the board or shown examples with videos.

Unknown said...

hanes on verble

Unknown said...

I learn best when things are presented visually and directions are written down while you are explaining them.

Unknown said...

Hey ... My name Is Emily Paulson...I mosty a hands on person i need to have directions written on the board.. and then i can do then do it myself.. I usually like to do things in small groups rather than in larger groups... i Dont like to speak in large groups... or in front of classes...

Unknown said...

I'm a hands on learner. You have to explain and show me how to do things. Doing labs helps me remember things and it keeps me focused. If you do a long lecture then I will probably not listen because they bore me. Writing on the board and explaining things well will work for me too.

Unknown said...

I learn by hands on and visually. and what doesn't work for me is lecturing and reading doesn't work all that well. Hands on and writing helps me a lot.

Unknown said...

give instructions out loud and tell me the assignments. I like to work in groups and do things together. I also like to do labs like actually doing the expiriments or hands on. To help me i write a lot of notes. What doesnt work for me is reading things from a book. It doesnt seem to work for me if i just read from a book because it doesnt get stuck in my head.

Unknown said...

Speaking is of the past... all you need is pictures for me.

colebeckman80 said...

I hate to read so if you could cut back on reading assignments that would really help

Unknown said...

I am a visual and nonverbal learning.I benefit from videos and diagrams that show how to do the homework.I am not a Kinesthetic type of learner.

Unknown said...

verbal and visual

Unknown said...

hands on

travis fishel said...

I like a slow visual and verbal hands on learning style and I also like to have extra testing time and work with a partner on work