Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Wind and Solar Energy

How likely is a wind farm in Delaware County? Give 3 reasons for your answer. Then, tell me what you know about wind energy. Resources that might help you are found at AWEA


colebeckman80 said...

very posible because i think we have enough wind and it would be a good idea
I know that wind energy is a clean source of energy and a good idea

Unknown said...

Fairly likely.
- There are probably enough turbines for there to be farms already.
- There is good enough wind in certain areas for wind farms.
- The more energy we can generate, the more energy we will generate.

I don't know anything besides what's listed above.

travis fishel said...

we would not have a wind farm becuase
we dont have the money
we dont have the place to put one
we also dont would not have anyone that would be able to run it
the windmills work bu the wind blowing and it pushes the turban around and it makes ellectricty

Unknown said...

A wind farm is not very likely to be in Delaware county. First, the wind is not as strong as it is in northern Iowa. The wind turbines are very expensive and Delaware country would like to spend there money more wisely. We have a lot of flat ground and farm land and we already have enough wind so we don't need any more wind than we already have. The windmills are very expensive and very large and they are used to make more wind energy. If there is no wind, it is impossible to make energy.

Anonymous said...

A wind farm in Delaware County could be possible. With the amount of wind we have it would be able to power the farm. We would be able to make energy out of the wind that comes through here. It would be able to help out all of our homes. Wind is a valuable source of energy and it could power all of our homes.

Unknown said...

I think isnt the best idea because there isnt as much wind as the northern parts. Also because the summer gets worm, and it tacks land away from farm land.

Unknown said...

When it is warmer there isn't as much mass in the air, which means there's not much breeze because it goes up the atmosphere.