Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Planetary Models and Information

Today, you will be researching a part of the solar system as we think about the size of the solar system.  Assignments are as follows:

Emily P and Kaity:  Jupiter
Jack and Cole:  Mars and Mercury
Travis:  Earth
Austin and Brett:  Venus and the Heliopause
Emily McWilliams and Thomas:  Saturn and Uranus
Stacie and Kayla:  Comets and the Oort Cloud
Stephen and Sara:  Asteroids and Meteors
David and Mike:  Pluto and the Kuiper Belt
Hannah:  Neptune

You need to find the following information, using http://www.nineplanets.org as your first source (you can use other sites, too, but check here first).

How big is it, atmosphere, space missions, if it has volcanos, if it has a molten core, what things can hit it, temperature, if humans can live on it, what type of moons it has, how long it takes to go around the sun, if we can see it with the naked eye, how far it is from the sun (in miles).  Put your information together in a poster.

Now, answer the following questions: 

What was the most surprising thing you found out today?
What did we find out in the space missions, and why does it matter?
How would you explain how far away this object is to someone using an analogy (that's a tough one--try looking here for a hint)
Will we ever travel beyond our solar system?  Why do you think so?

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