Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Solar Cars--Active solar cell technology

Please answer the following questions on the blog:

1.  What were the problems with using solar cells alone to power a vehicle?
2.  Why does gear ratio matter?
3.  How do angles affect the performance of your vehicle?  Specifically, what angles are you talking about?
4.  Which do you believe to be more effective alternative energy:  active solar or passive solar?  Why?


Unknown said...

1.wouldn't work in shaded areas.
2.spin speed
3.It will move slower with inclined angles and faster with declined.
4.passive solar because it holds heat

Unknown said...

1. wouldnt work in the dark or in the shade.
2.the speed
3. it wuld move slow with angles pointing up and faster when the angle is down.
4.passive solar

Unknown said...

1-you would hav to coast in the shaid and could not drive at night
2-to tell how fast you go
3-the angle of the car like a spoiler
4-alternative couse you could go where ever you want

Unknown said...

1. would not work when the sun isn't out
3.When it is angled down it would go faster than it would when it is angled up
4.passive solar

Lucas said...

1. They wouldnt work is shaded areas.
2. How fast the gears will spin.
3.If it was on an incline going down it went faster and going up the incline it was slow.
4.Passive- It holds the energy it creates. Active need sunlight to work.

Unknown said...

1)when it hit shade it stoped woking
3)angled down is quicker than angled up

Unknown said...

1.Wouldn't work at night and if the the sun wasn't out.
2.Speed they spin
3.When it's on a incline going down it well go faster then when it's going up it.
4.Passive solar

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

1. dont work in shaded and at night
2. the speed
3. move slow with angles up and faster with angles down
4. passive- it holds the energy

Unknown said...

1. Because the sun is not out at certain times, the car will not run because there is nothing to run it.
2. It is what helps the vehicle go up a steep hill and makes it run faster.
3. When the angles are at more of an incline, it will go slower than when they are more flat and horizontal.
4. Passive because it will hold the heat and energy that has been obtained.

mlelg said...

1. It would not work in the dark or shade.
2. The speed the gears spin
3. Slower with angles upward faster with downward
4. Passive because it holds the heat so it is more efficent

Unknown said...

1) It wouldn't have power in the dark/shade.
2) To control the speed
3) If you tilt the front downward it will become more airodymamic. Tilting it back will do the opposite.
4) Passive, it will store the energy/power

Unknown said...

1. It wouldn't work in the dark or in the shaded areas.
2.The speed
3.If it incined downward it went faster than if it was angled upward.
4.Passive solar because it can hold the heat.

Unknown said...

1.They won't work in shade.
3.When angled down it goes faster then when angled up.
4.passive solar-holds heat

Unknown said...

1. wouldnt work at night when there is no sun or on cloudy days or in the shade.
2. How fast it will spin
3. If the angle is going up it'll go slower and if its going up it'll go faster
4. Passive, holds the energy

Unknown said...

1. You couldn't drive in shade, go out on a cloudy day, or drive at night.
2.spin speed
3. The higher up the faster, lower the slower.
4. Passive Solar, it holds its heat unlike active.

Cassie Vaske said...

1. you could only use them when it is sunny out
2. for the speed
3. when it is angled up it goes slower then it would when it is angled down
4. passive solar..it holds the energy it creates while active has to have sunlight to run

Unknown said...

1. couldn't drive at night
2. the speed
3.It goes faster when it is angled down and slower angled up
4. Passive solar because it holds heat

Unknown said...

1. It wouLdn't work if in shaded areas & if there's no suN.
2. The sPeeD
3. It affects the speed of the caR. ( anGled down is fasTer than in an aNgLed uP )
4. Passive Solar because we can use the sunlight for useful energy without use of active mechanical systems.

Unknown said...

1. If the sun wasnt out at the time the car ain't gunna move.
2. spin speed
3. angles toward the sun, it might not work at a certain angle.
4.passive, cause then you could store the energy you get from the sun and use it a different time when the suns not out.

Unknown said...

1. Wouldn't work without sunlight. For example at night.

2. Because you need certian gears to go faster and slower.

3. Angles come into affect when the power source is not directly above the vehicle.

4. Active, it is used for more for energy on the spot. Which I find more effective and helpful then Passive.

Unknown said...

1. If it was in the shade the car wouldn't move.
2. Because the gears make the car move.
3. If you angle the solar panel up the car will move faster because it captures the sun better.
4. Passive solar because if the sun is not there whatever is hooked up to the solar panel will still fun.

Unknown said...

1. if there is a period of time over a few days that are all dark and gloomy the car wouldnt run
2.the speed that the gears will spin
3.if the angle is upward then it will move slower but if the angle is downward it will move faster
4.Passive solar

Unknown said...

1. They didn't work in the shade
2. The speed will change depending on the gear size
3. The more of the inclined angle it has the slower it will go
4. Passive solar because it holds heat in a space

Kmoo2013 said...

1. wouldn't work on cloudy days and wouldn't work at night

2. Depending it you want it to go faster or work easier

3. Harder to move when going up a hill and easier when going down hill

4. passive because it heats up and then holds heat so saving power because it holds heat you won't need to use heater

Unknown said...

1. wouldn't always work because it's not always sunny
2. how fast it spins
3. it will move slower with inclined angles and faster with declined angles
4. passive energy

Unknown said...

1) it wouldnt work on cloudy days
2) because it needs to spin fast
3) it would turn left or rright the tires
4) the turn of the wheels

Unknown said...

1.the solor cell wasnt always facing the right way Ex. some people had to do there race in a differnt area because the solor cell.
2.how big the gear is and how fast it goes.
3.the angles affect it because the sun doesnt stay in the same place all day i think the angle should be at a slight angle so the sun can get it but yet moveable so the sun can always get the solor cells.
4.active solar because it doesnt use electricity.

Unknown said...

1. they didnt have a battery so they couldnt stor energy
2. it can make it easier or harder to turn and can can alter the speed at which it turns
3. the angle of the solar panel will affect the amount of sunlight it gets.
4. i think active solor because you can store it in a battery for later use when there isnt any sun

Unknown said...

1.When there is no sun, the car would eventually stop.

2.It determines how fast the wheels spin(the car travels.)

3.The angle of the solar cells on the car might determine how much sunlight it gets.

4. Passive Solar. It holds the heat that it recieves/creates.

Unknown said...

1.wouldnt work in shaded areas
2.how fast it moves
3.it moves faster or slower at different angles

Unknown said...

if there is no sun car will not go.
how fast u go.
if u go up hill car will slow
if u go down hill car speeds up.
passive solar holds energy

Unknown said...

would not work in shaded aeras or at night
for speed and eficantcy

because u want it to capture as much sun as possable
passive because it hold heat better