Monday, May 10, 2010

The UNIVERSE and You.

For the last two weeks, we have been studying HOW BIG the universe is, and HOW it was made.  Today, you will be creating a personal 2-sided model on your understanding. A model can be a picture or  a concept map with explanation, or a series of statements or a story that are somehow connected. At any rate, your model is UNLIKE anyone else's, because you are a UNIQUE person.  TO start this activity, I would suggest you look around at the links, writing yourself notes and sketching ideas for at least 30 minutes.

SIDE 1:  Tell me about our star, our solar system, our local galaxy, and the local galaxy cluster.  In some way, represent the following

  • stellar life cycle
  • terrestrials
  • gas planets
  • asteroid belt
  • Kuiper belt
  • powers of 10
  • life
  • gravity
  • orbit
  • Milky way galaxy
  • black hole
  • spiral arms
SIDE 2:  This model is a V.  At the point of the V, place the words Big Bang.  At the top of the V, put "about 14 billion years"  Then, using the diagram above, and the links below, fill out the V scape to show your understanding of:

  • energy
  • pieces smaller than atoms
  • fusion
  • galaxies
  • size of the universe
  • local galaxies
  • stars
  • chemical elements
  • speed using the Doppler effect
  • supernovas
  • dust clouds (nebulas)

Please give any mini-marshmallows that you brought to Melyssa.  Melyssa will label them and put them in the wooden back cupboard and we will use them for tomorrow.

Hand these models in at the end of the hour.



Local Universe

Doppler Effect

Powers of TEN

History of the Universe

Planet Quest

Galaxy Zoo

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