Tuesday, September 4, 2012

9/4 Wind Power Case Study

Step 1:

Today, we'll be looking at a case study.

The idea behind a case study is to look at things from multiple points of view and then apply that information to a new idea.

Our case study

You will be assigned one of 4 roles.

  • Town person who depends on tourism for a job
  • Salesperson who stands to make a huge commission
  • Environmentalist who is worried about the safety of the fish, birds, and wildlife, as well as climate change 
  • Electrical utility that wants to make sure there is power for the town but also wants to make a profit

Read the 3rd page of the case study.   Highlight 3 or 4 items that affect your group's point of view.

Do you think the turbine should be built?  Why or why not?

Present your viewpoint to the class in 1-2 minutes.

photo credit: axelivarsson via photo pin cc

Step 2

Now, we will look at an actual offshore Wind Farm, called Cape Wind.  Look at each of the resources below, and find out if the information shown supports your position or not.   Write down 3 or 4 highlights from each resource.

Step 3: Reflection (online or on paper)

The goal here is to see that decisions are not always clear cut.  What you do will affect other living things.

Which other stakeholder group do you have the most in common with during this study?   Which do you have the least in common with in the study?

What are some strategies that you can use to get along with people who have different viewpoints?

Which stakeholder viewpoint convinces you the most?  Explain.

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