Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Finish the worksheet on sound waves from PHET (it's on my desk).  Hand in.

Work on playing a tune with your finished instrument.

Watch this video:

And this

And finally this

Tomorrow, you will need to bring as many of the materials as possible as shown in the last video.  

Writeup of your Instrument.

Detail HOW you know that your instrument has 4 different pitches.
Is your instrument a string, percussion, or wind instrument?

How could we figure out the exact pitch (notes) you are playing?  Could we gather data on this?

How did thickness or diameter affect your instrument?

What type of music are you creating?  Rhythm, blues, chime, Christmas, or pop are all possibilities.

Draw a sketch of your instrument and list dimensions and materials used.

Monday, November 19, 2012




http://www.chicaandjo.com/2010/08/09/make-copper-wind-chimes/ (nice plan, but the holes need some help)


===========Making them better=============

To make a wind chime or other thing better, TUNE them to specific notes:


Thursday, November 15, 2012

Visualizing open and closed pipes

Watch the video and look at the animations found at


1.  Be able to tell me what a harmonic is  and what a sound wave looks like.

Take a look at the link at


READ the first three paragraphs and the last three paragraphs.

We will be discussing about instruments at 12:45

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Today, we will be going back to itsi-su, a site we have visited before.   You must use an individual computer today.


Please make certain you complete the pretests

Light and Matter

and the Waves and Interference activity.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Testing Your Mousetrap Car

Take a picture of you and your mousetrap car.
  • the MA of the wheel/axle, 
  • the MA of the mousetrap setup, 
  • how far your car went (less than 5, less than 10, greater than 10), 
  • what you learned, and 
  • what you would change if you did it again.  

This should be between 3 and 5 paragraphs, and should show the dimensions you measured....

Friday, November 9, 2012

Mousetrap Car testing moved to Monday

Hey everyone.  I am missing the Friday fiesta due to back issues  :(, and that means you ALL SHOULD BE READY with your vehicle on Monday at the beginning of class.   If you are not ready to go by then, you will be doing your testing after school.

Energy Skate Park: Basics
Click to Run

This activity deals with the concept of the skater dude and his own potential and kinetic energy.   You need to get a partner (Christine may pair you up) and complete this activity as a pair.  If you are letting your partner do all the work, you will receive a zero.  :(


Monday, November 5, 2012

Understanding Mechanical Advantage

What machines will a mouse trap car have?  Well, you need a body, wheels, and a mousetrap.

The mousetrap is a lever.  What type?  Does this make things faster or easier?

Here, we have two machines (3rd class lever and a wheel and axle) with an AMA less than 1.  What does this do for the racer?   How can we maximize this factor for the wheels?

Friday, November 2, 2012

Compound Machines

Go through http://edheads.org/activities/odd_machine/frame_loader.htm and keep track of the number of questions you get correct.

Watch this video

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Hang Time Video

  Please Watch

Another video voiceover: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dg5AuYCsg98&feature=related