Why do we need yellow lights?
Why do we seem to hit several lights in a row as either being green or being red?
Should we speed through yellow lights?
yes. i do think we do need yellow lights. becuz if we didint we wouldnt know when to start slowing down. and there would be way more car accidents. i think.
1) to slow down earlier
2) so on one gets hit
3) no
is people know when the light is going to tern red.the lights are programde to tern red at certin intervils.
u nd yellow lights so u know when 2 slow down. cause the yellow light only lasts 4 a sec. no u should not speed through the yellow light.
we need yellow lights because when your driving through a green light ands if it would suddenly change to red you would have to stop and the person behind you would run right into you and if could cause a big accident.
and no you should speed through yellow lights it could cause an accident or get you picked up.
to caution the drivers from slow drivers.there would be more car accidents
Yellow lights are a warning to be careful. Cause they sort of go at the same time. We shouldn't speed through yellow lights
To tell us that it will turn red soon and so people have time to slow down and react to the light.
The lights are programed to turn red and green at certain intervals.
No not unless you are half way through the intersection already.
Because it show when a light will turn red soon so people dont instantly come to a screeching halt. 2) we seem to opnly hit green or red because we never seem to notice yellows because to us they are part of green. 3) we sahould slow down when we gety to a yellow light because if it turns red we wont have to stop so fast. though we usually go faster to make sure we get to the other side before red hits. But whats important is that we are prepared.
I think we need yellow lights because they can help us to slow down and also to warn us. Because some of the places we travel we need to be warned. No because on coming traffic could be coming. And its not safe.
-We need yellow lights because otherwise people will speed even more and have to slam the brakes and get into to an accident.
-they are timed like to prevent accidents.
-we shouldnt speed through yellow lights because othersmight think you will stop and others will think you will go so it could cause a big collision.
1)They tell us when we need to slow down, they caution us before we have to make the initial stop.
2)yellow comes and goes by faster, stop and go are the basics.
3)No, they change from yellow to red faster than you can speed through them.
-We need yellow lights to warn us to slow down because it is going to turn to red soon and you'll have to stop.
-because that is how they are timed so no collisions are caused.
-only if you don't have enough time to slow down and stop.
We need yellow lights because it warns us that the light is about to change to red. U should stop at a yellow light unless u r in the middle of an intersection. if u r in the middle of an intersection u should go through otherwise u r in everyones way and could cause an accident.
Because the yellow lights worn you that a red light will be coming. Because of the way they change and the speed you are going between the lights. You should speed up if you are close or at the point of no return but if you are outside that point slow down and stop.
This is Tea and i think we need yellow lights because think about if we didn't have yellow lights when its green we'd be going at a fast speed and then it would just turn red so we:d have to slam on our breaks the would be bad. i think we hit several green and red in a row because yellow is the middle and its a warning telling you to slow down. no you should not speed through yellow lights.
because if we didnt have yellow lights you wouldnt know when a red light is comin and you would have to stop right on the dot and yea there would be alot of accidents. Because the lights are timed like that so no accidents happen. No you should not! if you know you can make it throught the light safely then you should go through but if you have time to slow down and stop then you should do that!
I think you should have stop lights on the road and that way you should not get in to a car wreck
1)so that we know how long we have until the light turns red.
2)so traffic is more seperated.
3)if it just turned yellow because its a warning.
We need yellow lights so we know when to slow down for a red light is coming up.
So no one gets hit.
No bcuz green lights may come on and you will get hiot.
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