Thursday, October 15, 2009

Questions for the Quiz, Block 1 Ideas

  1. Does global warming exist?  Why or why not?
  2. What are 3 things you can do to reduce your carbon footprint?
  3. List 3 types of carbon sinks.
  4. What is an example of a transfer mechanism?
  5. What is climate change?
  6. Draw a picture of the greenhouse effect.
  7. What is the major greenhouse gas?
  8. Which cycle is most important?
  9. What cycle is affected by decay of organisms?
  10. What is an advantage of driving a hybrid car?
  11. Fossil fuels affect the _________ cycle the most.
  12. Can you stop climate change?  Explain
  13. List three nitrogen sinks.
  14. Who contributes most to the nitrogen cycle wastes?

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