Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Inclined plane examples

Classify the following machines (lever, pulley, wheel/axle, screw, wedge, inclined plane):

a ladder

a circular staircase

a knife

a parking ramp

an axe

Which type of machine(s) above has the LOWEST AMA? Why do you think this is so?

Monday, October 27, 2008

More machines!

ANSWER PARTS 1 and 2 in your notebooks.

Today, you have the opportunity to work with another set of machines....doing the lab found here.

Go to here and try to identify the parts in the lawn mower. (Yup, you have to look around the site). Share the computers in the room.

When you get done, you can finish working on assembling your mousetrap cars. You will need to make a top drawing and a side drawing when you get done, which will be handed in.

Lab Groups:

Carissa, Tabitha, Bryan

Amie, Tea,

Tory, Carinda, Sonya

Kyle, Ted,

Ryan, Joe, Josh

Erin, Claire, Jenny

Summer, Lexi, Jordan

Devin, Jon, Dalton

What does a MA less than one do?

Here, we have two machines (3rd class lever and a wheel and axle) with an AMA less than 1.  What does this do for the racer?   How can we maximize this factor for the wheels?

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Where are the machines!

Go to Edheads and pick a room in the house.  In each room, search for 10 machines.  Make a list of the machine (for example, maybe it's a pencil sharpener) and the simple machine type for your day's blog post.

Good luck.

Friday, October 17, 2008

What do machines do?

A can opener, a ladder, a pulley system, a come-along, a car.  What do machines help us to do in our daily lives?

List, if you can, an example of the following machines:

first class lever:
second class lever:
third class lever:
inclined plane

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Monday tasks

1.  Today, you need to perfect your script for your video and record your mp3 on your cell phone using the license from   Remember, you must hit the # symbol after you are finished talking for the mp3 to record.  The mp3 must follow the events in the video, so I suggest you bring up the you tube page, run through your script a time or two, and then record.  This may be done individually, or in your groups of 2.

2.  Write five quiz questions that combine your vocabulary words with a specific sport.  Example question:  You are swimming in the pool, and the bubbles rise when you do a cannonball.  This is an example of  a) friction b) Newton's 3rd law c) mass  d) all of the above.  Make sure you circle the answer that you think is correct.  THIS MUST BE DONE INDIVIDUALLY.

At the end of the class period, turn in your definition sheet, your script, and your questions.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Today we get the opportunity to look for sport.

Step 1: Define what you believe a SPORT actually is.

Step 2: Use your book and your notes to define each of the vocabulary words (leave out center of mass, momentum, and work for right now)

Step 3: Find a video of a sport that you think uses Newton's laws. Copy the URL and paste in the comments section. It will look something like this:

Step 4: Go through and look for the time in the video where each vocabulary word is happening. Write this time down to the LEFT of the vocabulary word on your sheet. There must be at least 5 seconds between each vocabulary word. Describe what is happening in the video in the SITUATION column

Step 5: You are the sports announcer for this video, but you want to instruct people about the science in your sport. What comments will you make for each of situations you have described?

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Where do you find....

Kinetic and Potential energy in each of the following.....

a) an athlete leaving the ground for a high jump

b) a pop fly on its way back down

c) an engine as the driver puts the hammer down

d) a cheerleader cartwheeling across the gym floor

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

When is mu (sticky friction) good?

When you are driving down a road, and you want to go 55 mph, what type of a mu do you want?  What about a mu on an icy day?  How does the mu in the middle of a gravel road differ from the mu on the edges?  How do you know?

Monday, October 6, 2008

What do you need?

So you are going to compete.  What type of shoes do you need?  Seriously, how pick three sports of your choice and comment on the type of shoes you want, and how they are different from another sport...
Good luck!

Friday, October 3, 2008

What's Gravity got to do with it, anyway?

This is a gravity map of the world.  The red spots indicate places where gravity is less powerful, and the blue spots indicate places where gravity is more powerful.  What is gravity, anyway, and what does it have to do with Newton's laws?

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Balanced vs. Unbalanced

Think about the world we live in. It's filled with forces, some balanced and some unbalanced.

Give me three examples of a balanced set of forces.

Give me three examples of an unbalanced set of forces?

This is what Newton's 3rd law is all about.

After you do the lab today, you will need to come back and do a second comment. Tell me what was important about today's lesson.

Text me if you have a question. Linsay and Jordan can help you find any equipment, but it all should be in the labeled drawers...I'll miss you guys today. :-)

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

How to read instructions

Today, we will be working on # 1, 2, and 3 found on pp. 39 and the reading found on pp. 41-43 I will not be giving directions, because I want to see how well you can read and follow directions. One note: a pencil means you should write something in your journal.

Now, before you start, think about how you read a magazine. Think about reading a menu. Think about reading a set of directions on how to program your new ipod. How do these things differ? When you read a science book, what should you be looking for to help your understanding?

Answer in a comment, and then head back to the room.