Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Solar Cooker Designs and the Power of Insulation

Home Insulation

Part 1:   House R-value simulation

We discussed r-value and insulation sandwiches last week.  Today, you are going to do work to check your understanding.  Make certain you leave your notebook in the classroom at the end of the day.

Choose from the three choices below to answer the questions.

House 1: a cathedral ceiling house, mock-log cabin, with 2 x 4 walls and cedar wall siding
House 2: a traditional house with an attic, with 2 x 6 OVE wall cavity
House 3: a traditional house with an attic, with 2 x 4 wall cavity , with brick facing.

1.  Which house would work best for passive solar heating?  Explain why you believe that.
2.  Pick ONE of the houses and go to Insulation Design    Decide what type of heat you want and where you are going to build it (you need a zip code).  Make a table from the data you find.

Cathedral ceiling
wall cavity
OVE-wall cavity
type of heat

3.  Use the Table of Common R-values to calculate R-values for your House Ceiling, Walls, and Floor.  This will show as three different sketches, and must equal or exceed the R-value in the table you just made. 

Just because something is thicker doesn't necessarily mean it is better.  Sometimes, though, higher R-value material is more expensive.  It's a trade-off, just like many things in life.

4. Also, when it comes to windows, we have a problem...It is going to be a very thin sandwich, unless we put up drapes (curtains) or some sort of a quilted batting at night.  Even so, that part of the wall will be colder.   The other trade-off is that windows that have bigger R-values have a bigger cost.
Based on this, what type of windows do you think your house should have?

Be ready to share.  When you get done, you can start building your solar oven.  You will have half of the period tomorrow to work on them as well, and we will be using them on Wednesday.

Questions?  Call me at five-six-three six-zero-eight one-nine-0-0

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