Friday, September 20, 2013

Solar Oven Questions

1.  What was the temperature change for the

  • chocolate
  • marshmallow
  • oven temp

2.  How many data points did you take for the marshmallow?  Can you tell if the marshmallow heated at a constant rate/min or a changing rate from your graph?  Why or why not?

3.  Which got hotter--the chocolate or the marshmallow?  How can you tell?

4.  Did you use insulation in your oven?  Why or why not?

5.  Did you use reflection in your oven?  Where or why?

6.  Did the color of the oven matter to you?  Why or why not?

7.  How often would your oven need to be adjusted for the moving sun?  Why do you believe that?

8.  Compare your data to another group.  Look at a picture of their oven and make a sketch.  Write the group names down.   Which oven was better and how do the designs compare?

9.  Draw a sketch of your oven.

10. Where is radiation, conduction, and convection present in the design of this oven?

11.  If you had to depend on your oven to sterilize water or cook food, how high are the odds of your survival?

12.  Why is solar power such a big idea for the world?


Windmill redux.   Most of you have not been able to wrap your mind around the shape and design of angles in windmills.

Check out this resource to help you

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